Ahmed Warda

Senior Manager
Ahmed Warda Profile Picture

A unique mix of consulting thrill from facing new challenges daily, and continuity from connecting the dots within the same organization.

My life before joining Boehringer Ingelheim Internal Consulting

At the time of joining, I brought a blend of consulting, commercial and medical expertise. I have held different roles at IQVIA Germany, mainly in the commercial effectiveness team, where I worked on multiple global and local pharma product launches.

Before that, I had worked at University Medicine Göttingen as a scientist, where I did my doctorate degree, and in a hospital’s emergency department as a clinical pharmacist.

My motivation to join Boehringer Ingelheim Internal Consulting

My passion for serving patients began during my time as a clinical pharmacist and continued through my roles in commercial effectiveness. Transitioning to a position within a pharmaceutical company was primarily a decision to be one step closer to serving patients. Another driver was to leverage my commercial and consulting expertise in Boehringer Ingelheim Internal Consulting and engage in the company's cross-functional programs as a foundation for further advancement within the pharmaceutical industry.

What I enjoy most at Boehringer Ingelheim Internal Consulting

The people! Our team is composed of professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultures, working together in a highly collaborative and dynamic environment. I am particularly motivated by the high impact, cross-functional work we undertake, which continuously energizes me.


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